.. Malpolon documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Wed Apr 20 17:15:45 2022. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root ``toctree`` directive. ******************* Experiment examples ******************* The repository contains examples of how to use Malpolon for different scenarios. The examples are organized by the type of user and the type of dataset used. .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 10 I. Custom train scenario ************************ I have a dataset of **pre-extracted image patches** or **raster files** *(e.g. bioclimatic data, satellite rasters...)* of my own and I want to train a **deep image neural network model** on it. I want to be able to easily customize the training process and the model architecture. - *Drop and play* : I have a file (.csv) of Presence/Absence (PA) or Presence Only (PO) observations and I want to train a model on different environmental variables (rasters, satellite imagery) without having to worry about the data loading and on-the-fly extraction. - *Custom dataset* : I have my own dataset consisting of pre-extracted image patches and/or rasters and I want to train a model on it. Sentinel-2A =========== `See Sentinel-2a (training) GitHub README 🔗 `_ MicroGeoLifeCLEF2022 ==================== `See MicroGeoLifeCLEF2022 (training) GitHub README 🔗 `_ II. Inference scenario ********************** I have an observations file (.csv) and I want to predict the presence of species on a given area using a model I trained previously and a selected dataset or a shapefile I would provide. Sentinel-2A =========== `See Sentinel-2a (inference) GitHub README 🔗 `_ MicroGeoLifeCLEF2022 ==================== `See MicroGeoLifeCLEF2022 (inference) GitHub README 🔗 `_ GeoLifeClef2024_pre_extracted ============================= `See GLC24_pre_extracted (inference) GitHub README 🔗 `_ III. Benchmarks scenario ************************ I want to compare the performance of different models on a given known dataset; or I am a potential kaggle participant on the GeoLifeClef challenge. I want to train a model on the provided datasets without having to worry about the data loading, starting from a plug-and-play example. - *GeoLifeClef2022* : contains a fully functionnal example of a model training on the GeoLifeClef2022 dataset, from data download, to training and prediction. Comes with datasets and datamodule. - *GeoLifeClef2023* : contains dataloaders for the GeoLifeClef2023 dataset (different from the GLC2022 dataloaders). The training and prediction scripts are not provided. - *GeoLifeClef2024_pre_extracted*: contains a fully functionnal example of a model training on the GeoLifeClef2024 pre-extracted dataset, from data download, to training and prediction. Comes with datasets and datamodule for species prediction as well as habitats prediction using a direct approach (raster-based). GeoLifeCLEF 2022 ================ `See GLC22 (kaggle) GitHub README 🔗 `_ GeoLifeCLEF 2023 ================ `See GLC23 (kaggle) GitHub README 🔗 `_ GeoLifeCLEF 2024 (pre-extracted) ================================ `See GLC24_pre_extracted (kaggle) GitHub README 🔗 `_